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Sponsored — Medicaid AIDS Hospital Payment Adjustment Act of 1990
Cosponsored — To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the provisions permitting certain small issues of tax-exempt bonds.
Cosponsored — World War II 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act
Cosponsored — Designating the week beginning July 22, 1990, as “Lyme Disease Awareness Week”.
Sponsored — Designating August 12 through 18, 1990, as “National Parents of Murdered Children Week”.
Cosponsored — Depository Institution Golden Parachute Prohibition Act of 1990
Cosponsored — Eastern Europe Market Protection Act of 1990
Cosponsored — Consumer Credit Protection Amendments of 1990
Cosponsored — To designate the week of May 6, 1990 through May 13, 1990, as “Jewish Heritage Week”.
Sponsored — Bank and Thrift Regulatory Agency Merger Act of 1990
Cosponsored — Expressing the sense of the Congress in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Older Americans Act of 1965.
Sponsored — Employment-Related Immigration Act of 1990
Cosponsored — Designating June 24 through 30, 1990, as “National Sheriffs’ Week”.
Sponsored — Fair Credit Reporting Amendments of 1990
Cosponsored — International Voluntary Family Planning Assistance Act of 1990
Cosponsored — Expressing the sense of the Congress that United States economic sanctions on the Republic of South Africa should not be lifted until such time as all conditions under the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 for the termination of such sanctions are met and a democratic political process in South Africa is established.
Cosponsored — To designate the week of October 7, 1990, through October 13, 1990, as “Mental Illness Awareness Week”.
Cosponsored — To designate the second Sunday in October of 1990 as “National Children’s Day”.
Cosponsored — To designate March 10, 1990 as “Harriet Tubman Day”.