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Bill Description
Cosponsored — A bill to impose sanctions with respect to foreign telecommunications companies engaged in economic or industrial espionage against United States persons, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to provide unemployment assistance to individuals affected by COVID-19, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend coverage requirements to ensure that no person incurs cost-sharing when receiving a test to confirm a COVID-19 infection.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to expand the list of diseases associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for which there is a presumption of service connection for veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to establish, fund, and provide for the use of amounts in a National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to address the maintenance backlog of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Indian Education, and to provide permanent, dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to allow Americans to earn paid sick time so that they can address their own health needs and the health needs of their families.
Cosponsored — A bill to set and meet a national goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by not later than 2050, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to permit employees to require changes to their work schedules without fear of retaliation and to ensure that employers consider these requests, and to require employers to provide more predictable and stable schedules for employees in certain occupations with evidence of unpredictable and unstable scheduling practices that negatively affect employees, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — SMART Act
Cosponsored — Protecting Community Television Act
Sponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the limitation on deduction of State and local taxes, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2019
Cosponsored — A bill to prohibit the use of funds for military force against Iran, and for other purposes.
Sponsored — No latest title...
Sponsored — No latest title...
Cosponsored — Territories Medicare Prescription Drug Assistance Equity Act of 2019
Cosponsored — Continuity for Operators with Necessary Training Required for ATC Contract Towers Act of 2019
Cosponsored — Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach Act
Cosponsored — Clean Water Standards for PFAS Act of 2019