Schumer Backs New Technology Developed By Magna Power Train In Syracuse To Protect Military HUMVEES From Deadly Roll-Overs
New Anti-Rollover System Would Prevent Military HUMVEES from Flipping Over After Attacks and other Actions - Rollovers have Killed Scores of US Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan
Magna Corp's Technology Would Save Soldiers' Lives and Boost Syracuse's Economy
Schumer: Our Soldiers Must Have Prompt Access to Potentially Life-Saving Technology - DOD Should Consider Magna for New L
Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer called on the Army to conduct a new comprehensive study to evaluate the effectiveness of a new system, developed by the Magna Power Train Corporation located in East Syracuse, which would prevent uparmored HUMVEES from flipping over. According to the Department of Defense, roughly 250 U.S. troops have been severely injured in rollovers since Operation Iraqi Freedom began in March 2003, with 90 of them dying from their injuries.
"This new technology is a winwin that would save American soldiers' lives and help grow an upstate cuttingedge company," said Senator Schumer, "The bottom line is we must do everything we can to protect our soldiers, and that means promptly providing them with the latestgreatest in lifesaving technology. This cuttingedge antirollover system can protect our soldiers in HUMVEES who are at now at severe risk the streets of Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army needs to take notice of this system right now."
In his letter to the Army Secretary General, Schumer asked the Department of Defense to complete their assessment of this new technology before they issue a request for proposals for new Joint Light Tactical Vehicles later this year. Magna Power Train has developed rear axle stabilizers for domestic GM and Cadillac's that helped prevent topheavy vehicles from flipping over. Magna technology will be available to go into commercial vehicles mostly SUV's starting in 2009. Magna is hoping to apply their antirollover torque vectoring technology to the next generation of DODfunded light tactical vehicles, such as HUMVEES. There is a well documented need for this in overseas theatres of war. According to DOD, about 250 U.S. troops have been severely injured in rollovers since Operation Iraqi Freedom began in March 2003, with 90 of them dying from their injuries. Fourteen of those involved drownings. DOD has put together training simulators to get soldiers used to the toocommon phenomenon of rollovers, and has installed quickrelease seat belts as well as restraints for gunners, but has not mandated changes in the vehicles to help stabilize them.
"The Magna Company is a model for the upstate hightech sector and I applaud both their innovation and dedication to protecting our troops," said Schumer.
Schumer said that as much as 3000 pounds of armor that have rightly been added to military HUMVEES in Iraq to protect soldiers traveling in the vehicles have made them topheavy and more likely to roll over and kill or injure soldiers. There are more than 25,300 armored HUMVEES in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Torque vectoring technology provides precise torque and speed transfer from wheel to wheel across the axle to improve handling especially during cornering maneuvers. By controlling torque at the individual wheel ends, the vehicles resist under and oversteering that frequently result in rollovers. This technology has been proven to increase stability and performance in lightweight commercially available vehicles. Magna Power Train is actively developing this technology for numerous US Original Equipment Manufacturers, with potential production launch in 2009 calendar year.
Magna is hoping to begin prototype testing in early 2008 with the start of production commencing by 2010.
Today, Schumer wrote to Army Secretary Geren asking him to examine the feasibility and capital investment required to transfer this technology to the emerging and future classes of lightweight tactical vehicles and HUMVEES. Schumer said that such a study would ensure that Magna's technology received the attention it deserves from the Army.