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Schumer, Clinton Announce Congressional Approval Of $9.2 Million For Niagara Air Reserve Stations Visiting Airmens Quarters

Senators Urged Conference Committee To Support Spending Request

U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that the Joint House Senate Appropriations Conference Committee has approved the FY 2006 Military Construction Appropriations Bill, which includes $9.2 million in funding for the Visiting Airmens Quarters at the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station.

Now that weve been successful in the fight to save Niagara during BRAC, we have to move forward to make sure it remains one of our best run, best equipped bases. Now we can use this new funding to enhance a base that is already proven key to fighting the War on Terror, and work to bring new missions and responsibilities to the facility, Schumer said.

This is huge investment in the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station and represents a strong step toward completing a number of projects to improve and strengthen the base for the future. These funds for the Visiting Airmens Quarters are a further vote of confidence as we continue to invest, not only in the base, but in the regions military future and a true recognition of the critical role that this incredible facility plays in the community. I am so proud to be a part of supporting the base and ensuring the future of the station, Senator Clinton said.

The funding will be used towards the construction of a new visiting quarters and parking lot on an existing open area. This facility is required to accommodate personnel on unit training assemblies, annual training and special training status. Current facilities were constructed in 1952 and do not meet Air Force standards, are not energy efficient and are difficult to maintain.

Senators Schumer and Clinton have worked hard to support the construction of the Visiting Airmens Quarters. Before he left office, they secured a commitment from the outgoing DOD Comptroller Dov S. Zakheim to accelerate funding for the Visiting Airmans Quarters and in the wake of the BRAC Commissions preliminary report, they are more committed than ever to working with federal, state and local leaders to make the case for the facility.

The FY 2006 Military Construction Appropriations Bill was approved by the Senate in September, and now having been released by the conference committee, must be approved by both chambers of Congress and sent to the President for his signature. Schumer and Clinton urged members of the Conference Committee to keep the funding for these projects in this years spending bill.