Schumer, Higgins Urge Feds To Build A New Post Office In Lackawanna
New Retail Facility Is A Priority For City Redevelopment Efforts
U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins today urged the Postmaster General of the United States to accept the recommendation from the local postmaster to build a new postal facility in Lackawanna. Constructing a new, first class retail location is a top priority for the city and officials believe the best chance of accomplishing this is if an entire new facility is constructed. After a second analysis of how the postal service can best adjust to the population shifts in the area, the local post master has again sent his proposal recommending a new facility.
Lackawanna needs and deserves a new, first class postal facility, said Schumer. This is the second time that the local post master has recommended a new post office as the best way to meet Lackawannas needs. Building a new postal facility in Lackawanna is an important the citys mission to rebirth its downtown.
"Mayor Polanski and his colleagues are working hard to revitalize downtown Lackawanna, said Congressman Higgins. "A new post office would be a significant federal contribution to that effort."
After a second analysis of the needs of the City and surrounding community, the local post master of the Western New York Division has again determined that a new post office is needed in Lackawanna. This post office would include a retail facility, for customers to pick up mail, buy stamps, etc. as well as a sorting facility for local mail and point of disbursement of local mail carriers. The U.S. postal service is trying to restructure its operations in Western New York to reflect population shifts that have occurred in the region. The retail facility is crucial to the community; however the City is worried that a restructuring of the system will lead to the relocation of the retail facility to a neighboring community. The original recommendation for a new post office had been transmitted up from the Western New York Division to the Northeast Area Office and then to Postal Headquarters, but was then sent back down for a further examination of alternative options.
In a personal letter to John E. Potter, Postmaster General of the United States, Schumer and Higgins wrote, The redevelopment of downtown Lackawanna, New York is an important public policy priority for leaders in the federal, state and local governments, and tremendous strides have been made in that overall effort. A new postal facility in Lackawanna would signal the federal governments commitment to this important endeavor.