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>br/>Funding Approved by Department of Transportation and Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee to Build Affordable Housing for Veterans at Camp Shanks

In November, Schumer Toured Camp Shanks with Legislator John Murphy and Local Officials, Pledging to Secure Funding for Much Needed Project

Bill Will Now Be Sent To The Full Senate Appropriations Committee

Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that the Department of Transportation and Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Subcommittee has approved $1 million to the Rockland Housing Action Coalition for the purpose of building and operating permanent, supportive housing for disabled veterans and their families at Camp Shanks.

In November, Schumer pledged to help obtain federal support for historic Camp Shanks and provide affordable housing options for veterans in the region. The funding was approved as part of the Senate Appropriation process, and has been included in the Department of Transportation and Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations Bill. The bill was passed out of subcommittee and now will need to be approved by the full Senate Appropriations Committee, after which it will be sent to the Senate floor, and then to the president for signature. Schumer requested that the subcommittee include funding for this project in the bill, and fought hard to ensure that it was included. Clearing the subcommittee is the biggest hurdle in the appropriations process.

"This funding will help give the brave men and women who fought to protect our county access to affordable housing," Schumer said. "The great service that our veterans have given this nation should be returned with the chance for them have a house of their own and I will fight to see this funding through the appropriations process."

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services leased thirteen acres of surplus U.S. Army Reserve property (known as Camp Shanks) to the Rockland Housing Action Coalition (RHAC) for the purpose of building and operating permanent, supportive housing for disabled veterans and their families, who are unable to either purchase homes or find suitablyequipped rental units at market prices. Last year, Schumer toured Camp Shanks and promised to secure funding to house disabled veterans and their families. The Rockland Housing Action Coalition currently holds a five year, renewable lease to build rental housing for homeless veterans. Camp Shanks was the largest World War II army embarkation camp in the United States. Over 1.3 million soldiers went through the camp, also known as "Last Stop USA," for processing before being deployed to Europe.

The initial project will construct 25 rental units on six of the thirteen acres and will include the rehabilitation of one or two buildings presently standing on the property. It is estimated that ten to fifteen labor trade organizations will be onsite during the 12month period of construction, providing economic stimulus to the community. The project will ultimately consist of 50 handicapped accessible, gardenstyle apartments, a community center and offices for agencies that will provide support services to the resident veterans. The tenants will meet the spirit and criteria of the law that was implemented in the Federal Government's decision authorizing the landlease agreement.

Now that the bill has been approved by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, it will be sent to the full Senate Appropriations Committee. Following approval by the Full Committee and the Senate, the bill will move towards Conference with the House and then to the President for signature.

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