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The 360-Unit Towne Gardens Housing Complex In Buffalo Failed A HUD Inspection This June, With Officials Finding 100+ Serious Health And Safety Violations

Schumer Previously Pushed For Safety Improvements To The Beleaguered Housing Complex In 2015, And Is Now Calling On HUD To Release At Once The Results From A September 13 Reinspection

Schumer To HUD: Towne Gardens’ Living Conditions Are Inexcusable And Demand Immediate Action

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today called on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to release the results of a September 13 th inspection of the Towne Gardens housing complex in Buffalo. Schumer said that Towne Gardens contains 360 total apartment units, and that it has been plagued by health and safety deficiencies for far too long. Schumer explained that prior to Towne Gardens’ reinspection this September, HUD inspected the complex on June 5 and gave it a failing score of 37c. Schumer said that the residents of Towne Gardens have suffered tremendously, and deserve to have prompt action taken to improve the sub-par conditions of the complex. To that end, the public needs the results of this re-inspection immediately so that the necessary actions can be taken and residents can rest assured that they are not in danger.

“Towne Gardens has been in a state of disrepair for far too many years now including leaky ceilings, exposed electrical wires, broken smoke detectors and much more,” said Senator Schumer. “HUD has found that these deficiencies pose serious risks to the health and safety of its residents, and that’s why I’m calling on HUD to release the results of the September 13 Towne Gardens reinspection at once, so residents can be sure that any life-threatening violations have been addressed. The residents of Towne gardens deserve to have the latest information from HUD so they can better advocate for the changes that must be made to improve their safety and quality of life – and I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in that effort.”

Schumer explained that Towne Gardens is a 360-unit multifamily housing development located in Buffalo, NY. The beleaguered complex consists of 301 federally subsidized Section 8 units, making the development subject to routine HUD inspection. Schumer said that prior to its most recent reinspection, on June 5th HUD inspected the Towne Gardens complex, giving it a failing score of 37c. This failing grade indicates that HUD identified one or more health and safety deficiencies on the property, in this case, more than 100. Schumer said that the inspection revealed unsafe living conditions, and cited inoperable smoke detectors, leaking ceilings, and exposed electrical wires amongst the many issues needing to be addressed.

Recently, Towne Gardens began operating under new management. Schumer said that after years of neglect, it is necessary that the new management group take immediate action to provide safe and sanitary living conditions for residents. Additionally, Schumer praised the actions HUD has taken thus far to reinspect the Towne Gardens complex, and urged HUD to continue moving in the right direction by publishing the most recent inspection score immediately. Schumer explained that the June 5th inspection revealed possibly life-threatening conditions, reaffirming years of complaints from both residents and public officials, and that they must be addressed at once.

Schumer has long fought to fix the many safety issues at the Towne Gardens housing complex. In 2015, Schumer called on HUD to take immediate action to address concerns about the sub-standard living conditions at Towne Gardens. Later that year, after Schumer’s urging, HUD began conducting comprehensive inspections of the living conditions and management at the Towne Gardens complex.

A copy of Schumer’s letter to HUD appears below

Dear Secretary Carson:

I write to request that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) promptly release the results of the September 13th HUD inspection of Towne Gardens housing complex. As you know, Towne Gardens is a 360-unit multifamily housing complex located in Buffalo, NY. The beleaguered complex consists of 301 federally subsidized Section 8 units, making the development subject to routine HUD inspection.

Prior to its most recent inspection, on June 5th HUD inspected the Towne Gardens complex giving it a failing score of 37c. This score indicates that HUD has identified one or more health and safety deficiencies on the property, in this case more than 100. According to reports the inspection revealed unsafe living conditions; citing inoperable smoke detectors, leaking ceilings, and exposed electrical wires amongst the many issues needing to be addressed.

After years of neglect, it is necessary that Towne Gardens new management take immediate action to provide safe and sanitary living conditions for all residents. I appreciate the actions HUD has taken thus far to reinspect the property and urge that HUD continue to take steps in the right direction by publishing the most recent inspection score in a timely manner. As residents are painfully aware, the June 5th inspection highlighted possible life-threatening conditions, reaffirming years of complaints from both residents and public officials. These reprehensible living conditions are inexcusable and once again call for immediate attention.

In 2015, I asked that HUD take immediate action to address concerns about the sub-standard living conditions at Towne Gardens. With the abysmal June 5th inspection score, it is of the utmost importance that we remain persistent and act with a great sense of urgency to resolve these concerns. The residents of Towne Gardens have suffered tremendously, and deserve that prompt action be taken to acknowledge and address the conditions of the complex. Thank you for your time and attention to this important request. 

