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Please See Sen. Schumer’s Remarks Following The Senate Democrats’ Luncheon Just a Few Moments Ago

“Well I was incredibly disappointed to see the President-elect nominate Congressman Price to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services this morning

“When it comes to issues like Medicare, the Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood, Congressman Price and the average American couldn’t be further apart

“Between this nomination of an avowed Medicare opponent to serve as HHS Secretary and Republicans here in Washington threatening to privatize Medicare, it’s clear that Republicans are plotting a war on seniors next year

“Every senior and every American should hear this loudly, and clearly: Democrats will not let them win that fight.

“After the 2004 elections, Republicans tried to take the rug out from under our seniors to privatize Social Security. After the 2016 elections, it seems they’re intent on trying the same trick on Medicare.

“Just as their efforts failed then, they will fail now.

“Democrats from blue states, purple states, and red states are going to link arm and arm to protect Medicare for our seniors, and ensure that Republicans don’t succeed in putting our seniors’ health care at risk

“As we have said many times, there will be issues where we can work with the President-elect and his party.

“Privatizing Medicare is not one of those issues.

“We are going to fight tooth and nail any attempt to privatize, voucherize, or any other “ize” you can think of when it comes to Medicare.

“To Republicans considering going down this path, my advice is simple: turn back.”